With new CCD observations of the W UMa type binary IK Boo, we present the first investigation of photometric parameters and orbital period change. The BVRc light curve fit shows that IK Boo is a W-type contact system with a mass ratio of q=1.146 and a shallow contact with a fill-out factor of f=2.22%. The orbital period decrease is found at a rate of -3.28x10^-7^d/yr, corresponding to a mass transfer from the more massive to the less massive component with a rate of -2.83x10^-6^M_{sun}/yr. The inner and outer critical Roche lobes will contract and cause the contact degree to increase. Therefore, IK Boo may evolve into a deeper contact system. Furthermore, a possible cyclic variation is found to have a period of 9.74yr, that could be explained by the light-travel time effect, due to the existence of a third companion in the system.