The Evryscope is a telescope array designed to open a new parameter space in optical astronomy, detecting short-timescale events across extremely large sky areas simultaneously. The system consists of a 780 MPix 22-camera array with an 8150 sq. deg. field of view, 13'' per pixel sampling, and the ability to detect objects down to m_g'_~=16 in each 2-minute dark-sky exposure. The Evryscope, covering 18400 sq. deg. with hours of high-cadence exposure time each night, is designed to find the rare events that require all-sky monitoring, including transiting exoplanets around exotic stars like white dwarfs and hot subdwarfs, stellar activity of all types within our galaxy, nearby supernovae, and other transient events such as gamma-ray bursts and gravitational-wave electromagnetic counterparts. The system averages 5000 images per night with ~300000 sources per image, and to date has taken over 3.0M images, totaling 250 TB of raw data. The resulting light curve database has light curves for 9.3M targets, averaging 32600 epochs per target through 2018. This paper summarizes the hardware and performance of the Evryscope, including the lessons learned during telescope design, electronics design, a procedure for the precision polar alignment of mounts for Evryscope-like systems, robotic control and operations, and safety and performance-optimization systems. We measure the on-sky performance of the Evryscope, discuss its data analysis pipelines, and present some example variable star and eclipsing binary discoveries from the telescope. We also discuss new discoveries of very rare objects including two hot subdwarf eclipsing binaries with late M-dwarf secondaries (HW Vir systems), two white dwarf/hot subdwarf short-period binaries, and four hot subdwarf reflection binaries. We conclude with the status of our transit surveys, M-dwarf flare survey, and transient detection.