We calculated the median parallaxes for 47 OB associations including at least 10 stars with known Gaia DR2 parallaxes. A comparison between trigonometric and photometric parallaxes of OB associations reveals a zero-point offset of {Delta}_{pi}_=-0.11+/-0.04mas indicating that Gaia DR2 parallaxes are, on average, underestimated and the distances derived from them are overestimated. The correction of {Delta}_{pi}=-0.11 mas is consistent with the estimate that Arenou et al. (2018A&A...616A..17A) obtained for bright stars. An analysis of parallaxes of OB associations and high-luminosity field stars confirms our previous conclusion (Dambis et al., 2001AstL...27...58D) that the distance scale for OB stars established by Blaha and Humphreys (1989AJ.....98.1598B) must be reduced by 10-20%. Spurious systematic motions of 10-20km/s at the distances of 2-3kpc from the Sun are found to arise from the use of the uncorrected Gaia DR2 parallaxes.