In accordance with the program "Cold" in 1987-1988 and in 1996 deep surveys of the sky strip at the declination of the source SS 433 ({delta}~5{deg}+/-20') were made at the radio telescope RATAN-600. For the first time spectral characteristics of 400 sources from the RC catalog have been determined using only the data obtained with the RATAN-600. The maximum of the flux density distributions at the central wavelength {lambda}7.6cm is ~30mJy. The lower flux limit in the sample of the sources at the wavelengths 3.9, 7.6, 13.0, 31.0cm is 16, 9, 37, 61mJy, respectively. Spectra of 112 sources (28%) have been obtained for the first time, spectra of 90 (23%) sources have been made more accurate. For the first time the fluxes at the wavelengths 2.7, 3.9, 13.0 and 31.0cm (90% of data) have been measured. The maximum of the distribution of spectral indices for the entire sample of sources in the interval {lambda}{lambda}7.6-31.0cm falls at {alpha}=-0.86+/-0.04 (S_{nu}_{}{nu}^alpha^). About 20 (5%) sources of the sample have a maximum of radiation at a frequency of about 1GHz (GHz-Peaked-Spectrum radio sources), about 40 (10%) have a low-frequency cut off of the spectrum. About 70 (19%) sources have flat spectra ({alpha}>-0.5), 64 (18%) very steep ({alpha}<-1.1) spectra.