We present a catalogue of galaxy structures (groups and clusters) found in an area of 5000 square degrees in the southern hemisphere. The catalogue, which we call the PF Catalogue, was created by making use of galaxy positions and magnitudes given in the Muenster Red Sky Survey (MRSS, 2003JAD.....9....1U). We applied an automated procedure for structure finding, involving the Voronoi tessellation. The completeness limit for galaxies in the MRSS is r_F_=18.3m. Therefore, the present version of the PF Catalogue is based on galaxies brighter than this limit. In order to be included in the PF Catalogue, a structure must have at least 10 members in a magnitude range m_3_, m_3_+3^m^. We found 6188 structures which are listed in the present catalogue. The PF Catalogue contains positions, radii, areas, number of galaxies within the magnitude limit m_3_, m_3_+3^m^, a number estimation of background galaxies; ellipticity and position angle for each structure, as well as the magnitudes of the first, the third and the tenth galaxies in a structure, taken from the MRSS.