The HPMS3 catalog is a comprehensive list of 90455 stars south of the J2000 celestial equator that have proper motions larger than 150mas/yr. The catalog has been generated as counter-part of the I/298 LSPM-North Catalog by systematic search for high proper motion stars in the GAIA DR2 catalog (Cat. I/345) with Dec<0. The HPMS3 catalog considerably expands the number of high proper motion stars over the existing high proper motion SIMBAD objects in the southern sky by about a factor 2.5. We also provide an estimated V magnitude for all catalog entries mostly calculated from GAIA G-, B- and R-magnitudes. The catalog is estimated to be over 99% complete down to a magnitude V=20 with a gap of about 300 to 400 very high (larger than 600mas/yr) proper motion stars not covered by GAIA DR2. The catalog was cross-matched with other catalogs (2MASS, UCAC4, PS1 and GAIA DR1) and then searched for pairs with a separation of up to 60-arcseconds. 4412 such pairs were identified and assessed for common proper motion and potential gravitational relationship. These pairs were then cross-matched with the Washington Double Star catalog to identify double stars already known resulting in 1623 matches. From the rest we eliminated all pairs with potentially suspect data, especially objects with negative parallaxes or parallaxes smaller than 3 times the given Plx error. In the next steps we eliminated all pairs with parallaxes too different to allow for gravitational relationship considered to be optical even if proper motion data suggested common proper motion pairs. Finally 721 pairs remained considered to be most probably physical pairs or multiples by means of common proper motion and potential gravitational relationship. Additionally 215 pairs with slightly different proper motion data are also considered probably physical as minor differences in proper motion values are probably caused by orbits overlapping the proper motion of the double or multiple star system.