The file jovsat.dat contains 35 intersatellite positions of inner Jovian moons Thebe and Amalthea, derived from the observations made with the 2-m Zeiss RCC telescope of Terskol Observatory (Terskol peak, Northern Caucasus, long=42.50083{deg}, lat= 43.27427{deg}, h=3100m) in 1998. The Two-Channel Focal Reducer of the Max-Planck Institute for Aeronomy (MPAe,Germany) was used for acquisition of the images. We provide delta(alpha) and delta(delta) of Thebe and Amalthea with respect to the Galilean satellites, that were used as the reference points forming the reference direction on the frames. Astrometric topocentric coordinates J2000.0 of the Galilean satellites were used for scale and orientation angle determination. The array scale was corrected for differential refraction and differential aberration to first-order. All observed positions are compared with the theoretical ones.