We took a total of 1175 B, V, and Ic-band CCD frames for 11 GCVS RR Lyr-type variables, for which only the coordinates were known. Observations were made with the 76-crn telescope of the South African Astronomical Observatory. We confirm the variability types, determine the periods, and build the light curves for five objects: BL Aps (P=0.598d), GR Pav (P=0.583d), HI Pav (P=0.643d), HZ Pav (P=0.803d), and IR Pav (P=0.561d). The objects SY Aps (P=0.279d) and IV Pav (P=0.408d) proved to be W UMa-type eclipsing variables; TW Aps (P=0.149d), an SX Phe-type variable; TT Aps (P=482d), an SRD-type semiregular variable, and SW Aps and GI Pav, constant stars.