The low-frequency linearly polarised radio source population is largely unexplored. However, a renaissance in low-frequency polarimetry has been enabled by pathfinder and precursor instruments for the Square Kilometre Array. In this second paper from the POlarised GaLactic and Extragalactic All-Sky MWA Survey-the POlarised GLEAM Survey, or POGS-we present the results from our all-sky MWA Phase I Faraday Rotation Measure survey. Our survey covers nearly the entire Southern sky in the Declination range -82{deg} to +30{deg} at a resolution between around three and seven arcminutes (depending on Declination) using data in the frequency range 169-231MHz. We have performed two targeted searches: the first covering 25489 square degrees of sky, searching for extragalactic polarised sources; the second covering the entire sky South of Declination +30{deg}, searching for known pulsars. We detect a total of 517 sources with 200MHz linearly polarised flux densities between 9.9mJy and 1.7Jy, of which 33 are known radio pulsars. All sources in our catalogues have Faraday rotation measures in the range -328.07rad/m^2^ to +279.62rad/m^2^. The Faraday rotation measures are broadly consistent with results from higher-frequency surveys, but with typically more than an order of magnitude improvement in the precision, highlighting the power of low-frequency polarisation surveys to accurately study Galactic and extragalactic magnetic fields. We discuss the properties of our extragalactic and known-pulsar source population, how the sky distribution relates to Galactic features, and identify a handful of new pulsar candidates among our nominally extragalactic source population.