We present a sample of 48 metal-poor galaxies at z<0.14 selected from 92 510 galaxies in the LAMOST survey. These galaxies are identified by their detection of the auroral emission line [OIII]{lambda}4363 above the 3{sigma} level, which allows a direct measurement of electron temperature and oxygen abundance. The emission line fluxes are corrected for internal dust extinction using the Balmer decrement method. With electron temperature derived from [OIII]{lambda}{lambda}4959,5007/[OIII]{lambda}4363 and electron density from [SII]{lambda}6731/[SII]{lambda}6717, we obtain the oxygen abundances in our sample which range from 12+log(O/H)=7.63(0.09Z_{sun}_) to 8.46 (0.6Z_{sun}_). We find an extremely metal-poor galaxy with 12+log(O/H)=7.63+/-0.01. With multiband photometric data from FUV to NIR and H{alpha} measurements, we also determine the stellar masses and star formation rates, based on the spectral energy distribution fitting and H{alpha} luminosity, respectively. We find that our galaxies have low and intermediate stellar masses with 6.39<=log(M/M_{sun}_)<=9.27, and high star formation rates (SFRs) with -2.18<=log(SFR/M_{sun}_yr^-1^)<=1.95. We also find that the metallicities of our galaxies are consistent with the local T_e_-based mass-metallicity relation, while the scatter is about 0.28dex. Additionally, assuming the coefficient of {alpha}=0.66, we find most of our galaxies follow the local mass-metallicity-SFR relation, but a scatter of about 0.24dex exists, suggesting the mass-metallicity relation is weakly dependent on SFR for those metal-poor galaxies.