For the first time the early type contact systems were identified as an individual class in M.A. Svechnikov's Catalogue [1] in 1969, which contains 8 systems of this type. The Catalogue of Coch R.H., Plavec M. and Wood F.B. [2] contains 37 systems of the early spectral type. According to Svechnikov's classification [3] a primary component (more massive and hotter) of a CE-system (contact system of early spectral class) has a spectral class earlier than F0-F2 and an orbital period of more than 0.5 day. Usually the spectral class of a primary is earlier than the spectral class of a secondary. Both components fill their Roche-lobes on 90-100%. The following Catalogue of Svechnikov M.A. and Bessonova L.A. [4] contains 38 CE-systems. In 1986 Bondarenko I.I. [5] published the Catalogue of the CE-stars, which contained 83 systems. Physical characteristics of the CE-stars presented in the list of catalogues abovementioned, were obtained by different authors by using different methods of calculation. We propose the Catalogue of the CE-systems with homogeneous absolute physical characteristics, that allows to define accurately general features of this class of binary stars. The comparing of physical characteristics of the CE-systems with other classes` characteristics of binary stars can show the possible evolutionary stages of the CE-systems. The foundation of absolute elements of the CE-systems are the photometric observations (on the whole, the latest multicolour photoelectric, in a few cases photographic and visual observations). The accuracy of modern photometric observations is high, and generally they are processed with the help of reliable computer methods both classical and synthetical methods). But reliable spectral observations (the ray speed curves) are very scarce, especially for both components). We have preferred the spectral class of a primary (usually it is more bright), supposing, that it's spectral class was defined accurately, and photometric and geometrical elements from light curves. All stars from our Catalogue were classified preliminarily as CE-stars by Svechnikov M.A., Istomin L.F. and Grehova O.A. [6]. We have supposed both components fill their Roche-lobes and by using the diagram (q-r[critical]) of Plavec-Kratochvile [7] mass ratio was obtained. The absolute elements were obtained by the approximated method of Svechnikov, which was modernized for CE-stars. Our Catalogue consist of three parts: photometric, geometrical and absolute elements of CE-systems. All stars were divided approximately into two groups: massive (m1>3 solar masses for primary) and less-massive stars (m1<3 solar masses for primary). A Catalogue has a Supplement.