The Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST) is a Chinese national scientific research facility operated by the National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences. It is a special reflecting Schmidt telescope with 4000 fibers in a field of view of 20 deg22in the sky. Until July 2016, LAMOST has completed its pilot survey which was launched in October 2011 and ended in June 2012, and the first four years of regular survey which was initiated on September 2012. After this five-year-survey, we totally obtain 7,617,035 spectra, which consist of stars, galaxies, quasars and other unknown objects. Now, the fourth data release (DR4) has published online (, and released data products include 1. Spectra. - In general, there are 7,617,035 flux- and wavelength-calibrated, sky-subtracted spectra in DR4, including 6,943,865 stars, 117,254 galaxies, 36,575 quasars, and 519,341 unknown objects, and these spectra cover the wavelength range of 3690-9100 angstrom with a resolution of 1800 at the 5500 angstrom. 2. Spectroscopic Parameters Catalogs. - In this data release, six spectroscopic parameters catalogs are also published, they are the LAMOST general catalog, the A, F, G and K type star catalog, the A type star catalog, the M dwarf catalog, the observed plate information catalog, and the input catalog respectively. For the first four catalogs, they all include 36 columns of basic spectroscopic information, for example, right ascension, declination, signal to noise ratio, magnitude, classification and redshift. Also, the A type star catalog publish line indices of six spectral lines and four balmer line widths at 20% below the local continua, the A, F, G and K type star catalog provides effective temperature, surface gravity, and metallicity, and the M dwarf catalog releases the equivalent width of Halpha line, ten line indices, one metallicity sensitive parameter and a flag that indicates whether or not exist magnetic activity. For the observed plate information catalog, it mainly contains nine basic plate information for all published plates. At last, the input catalog includes 24 basic fields mentioned above, and three new fields which are not included in the above catalogs.