This catalog contains the tabulated results of a combined astrometric, photometric, and spectroscopic search for low-mass members in the intermediate-age open cluster Alpha Persei. It contains information on 132 new members and likely members, and 16 uncertain members of Alpha Per. The new membership information suggested to the author a revised age of the cluster to approximately 8x10+7yr. Tabulated data include AP number, VBI photometry, 1950 coordinates, relative proper motions with errors, H-alpha equivalent widths, and spectral type. Included are the individual membership determinations, based on H-alpha emission, spectral type, and echelle spectra data. The photometric data were obtained with the Lick Obs. 1-m Nickel Telescope using a TI 500x500 pixel CCD in B, V, and I bands. Low dispersion CCD spectra centered on H-alpha for candidates whose V-I photometry indicated likely membership using the Lick 1-m Nickel and 3-m Shane telescopes. High-dispersion echelle spectra were obtained for many bright candidates using the Hamilton echelle spectrographic with the Shane and Coude auxiliary telescopes.