We summarize the updated set of multiphase chemical evolution models performed with 44 theoretical radial mass initial distributions and 10 possible values of efficiencies to form molecular clouds and stars. We present the results about the infall rate histories, the formation of the disk, and the evolution of the radial distributions of diffuse and molecular gas surface density, stellar profile, star formation rate surface density, and elemental abundances of C, N, O, and Fe, finding that the radial gradients for these elements begin steeper and flatten with increasing time or decreasing redshift, although the outer disks always show a certain flattening for all times. With the resulting star formation and enrichment histories, we calculate the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) for each radial region by using the ones for single stellar populations resulting from the evolutive synthesis model POPSTAR. With these SEDs we may compute finally the broad band magnitudes and colors radial distributions in the Johnson and in the SLOAN/SDSS systems which are the main result of this work. We present the evolution of these brightness and color profiles with the redshift.