The primary references for stellar line identifications in the optical and ultraviolet spectral regions have been "A Multiplet Table of Astrophysical Interest" (RMT, Moore 1945) and "An Ultraviolet Multiplet Table" (UMT, Moore 1950, 1952, 1962). Dr. Charlotte Moore Sitterly has, over the last two decades, undertaken a revision of certain multiplet tables based on data derived from analyses of optical spectra. The present finding list has been prepared from the data published in the first ten sections of these revised tables: -------------------------------------------------- Section Year Elements -------------------------------------------------- 1 1965 Si II, Si III, Si IV 2 1967 Si I 3 1970 C I, C II, C III, C IV, C V, C VI 4 1970 N IV, N V, N VI, N VII 5 1975 N I, N II, N III 6 1972 H I, D I, T I 7 1976 O I 8 1979 O VI, O VII, O VIII 9 1980 O V 10 1983 O IV -------------------------------------------------- An earlier finding list containing Sections 1-7 only was published by Adelman, Adelman and Fischel (1977) (Catalogue VI/11). We have revised the format and added information to the earlier list, and have appended Sections 8-10 to produce the present version. We intend to incorporate future sections to produce new comprehensive lists as the sections are published and can be computerized. This document describes the machine version of the finding list as it is currently being distributed from the Astronomical Data Center. It is intended to enable users to read and process the data without problems and guesswork, and to interpret the various codes used in the list without recourse to the original publications. However, for additional details concerning the multiplet tables and analyses of the optical spectra, the source publications and their associated references should be consulted.