This catalogue is an extension in the ultraviolet region (129 to 3903 Angstroems) of the ILLSS catalogue (Coluzzi, 1993; catalog <VI/71>) which lists lines in the optical region. The data are from "Ultraviolet Multiplet Table" (Moore 1950, 1952, 1962) and arranged in two files: the catalogue and the references. There are two versions of each file, one presented in the author's original format, and the second organised as a table. The reference files are arranged by element: for each spectrum the first line contains within parenthesis the Ionization Potential; the grade of analysis; the grade denoting the relative number of classified lines included as compared with the total number classified in the ultraviolet; the date of completion of the manuscript; the limit for three spectra H, He I, He II. The limit in cm-1 has been multiplied by the factor 0.00012345 to obtain the tabulated ionisation potential, which is expressed in electron-Volts. The analysis grades range from A to E, grade A indicating that the analysis is essentially complete ,and grade E that the structure has been recognised, but is limited to a single multiplet or transition. List A, List B, etc., denote the relative numbers of classified lines listed here as compared with the total number classified in the ultraviolet, A denoting that all classified lines in the ultraviolet are listed, and D that only a few of the leading ones are tabulated. The letters on the left, A, B, C, etc. preceding the reference, indicate the source used for the wavelength quoted in the Table. Those papers used only for analysis or intensity follow the ones used for wavelength, and are not preceded by the letters denoting the source. The letters "WL", "I", "T", indicating what was taken from each paper for the Table compilation , denote, respectively, wavelength, intensity, and terms, the last referring to the analysis of the spectrum. These informations are taken from Moore (1950).