The Morphological Catalogue of Galaxies, Volume 5 (Vorontsov-Velyaminov et al. 1974) includes 1637 galaxies, probably no fainter than the fourteenth magnitude. The catalog was based on Palomar Sky Atlas prints and comprises areas from -30 to -45 degrees in declination. In contrast to the earlier four volumes of the catalog, the fifth was based on the red prints of the Sky Survey only. Visual magnitude estimates are thus in the red. Note that in all cases when in other sources the photoelectric B or photographic magnitude of galaxies are encountered, preference to those values has been given over those of Vorontsov-Velyaminov's estimates. All notes to galaxies published in the earlier volume are included here as well (Kogoshvili 1983). In addition, the following data were used from the ESO/Uppsala survey (Lauberts 1982): magnitudes, colors, radial velocities, Hubble types, and galaxy diameters as measured on the ESO(B) atlas plates up to the surface brightness slightly fainter than 25 magnitudes per square arcsec. These maximum major and minor galaxy diameters are provided in the fifth volume in place of the values taken from the UGC catalog in the earlier four volumes. Various data from both the reference Catalog of Bright Galaxies (de Vaucouleurs et al. 1964) and B-V and U-B colors from the General Catalogue of Photoelectric Magnitudes and Colours (Longo et al. 1983) were included. Fields included in the catalog are identification number; zone sign, number, and field number; galaxy number in the field; component or symbolic designation; NGC or IC identification; B1950.0 position, magnitude, magnitude accuracy, and magnitude reference; angular diameters, surface brightness, symbolic description galaxy, morphological type, galaxy type, heliocentric radial velocity; radial velocity corrected for solar motion; rotational velocity, dates of first two supernovae, number of supernovae, number of H II regions, U-B and B-V colors and references, radio flux densities at 178, 780, 1400, 2700, and 5000 MHz; number of nearby cluster; and coded information on membership of the galaxy to double or multiple systems, interaction features, and faint components.