This catalog contains observed and derived structure parameters for 154 galactic globular clusters, 7 dwarf spheroidal satellites of the Galaxy, and 6 globular clusters in the Fornax dwarf spheroids, respectively, in six different files. Files 1-3 (table1a, table1b, & table1c) list observed parameters, including cluster designation in order of right ascension, equatorial coordinates (B1950), apparent level of the cluster horizontal branch, reddening, subgiant branch color, limiting and core angular radii, ellipticities (only for table1b), integrated magnitude and central surface brightness. Files 4-6 (table2a, table2b, & table2c) contain positional and structural data derived from the observational data of table1. These include, for instance, galactic and galactocentric or Cartesian coordinates, heliocentric and galactocentric distances, or angular and projected linear distances, position angle, metallicity, limiting and core radii, central relaxation time scale, central mass density, central velocity dispersion, and central escape velocity. The references (all columns which label start by r_) are not available in electronic form.