The sample contains the galaxies with a velocity less than 500km/s with respect to the centroid of the Local Group. The inclusion of a galaxy into the catalog depends on its redshift as in the catalogue of Kraan-Korteweg and Tammann (1979) or on the fact that the objects are known to be certain or probable member of nearby groups. The galaxies in this catalogue form the Local Group, but one third of the galaxies does not seem to belong to any group. For a detailed explanation of the astrophysical meaning of the columns, please refer in any case to the explanation given in Schmidt and Boller (1992). Concerning the references, the basic list of references is given in Schmidt & Boller (1992). The dust masses of six dwarf irregular galaxies (LGS3, U3974, A0818+71, U8091, D210, U12613) are taken from Young et al. (1989). Additional data for several galaxies, especially on the apparent magnitudes as well as on the profile width of the 21 cm line at the level 50 per cent of the maximum value, are taken from a recent preprint by Karachentsev (1993).