The 'ACO' catalog (Abell, Corwin and Olowin 1989; Cat. VII/110) that contains 4076 rich (A-) clusters of galaxies and 1174 supplementary (S-) clusters was used to compile this catalog. In the compilation, many papers containing galaxy redshifts were checked for positional coincidences of objects with Abell clusters (typically within one Abell radius). In a total of 1059 ACO clusters a redshift for one or more galaxies were found. These 1059 clusters (records) are sorted by the R.A. (B1950) of their centre. Each record consists of cluster name, cluster centre equatorial coordinates (B1950), Abell richness, distance, Bautz-Morgan class, the magnitude of the tenth-brightest cluster member, cluster measured redshift, the reference code, the Abell radius, and the decimal log of the ratio between measured and estimated redshift.