This catalog represents the combination of results published in two papers: Ferguson, H.C. 1989 A.J. 98, 367 (Paper II) and Ferguson, H.C. and Sandage, A. 1990 A.J. 100, 1 (Paper III). See the Historical Notes section below. Please note that the data from Paper II were previously archived as catalog VII/160. This catalog supersedes that earlier dataset. The following paragraphs describe the data included from the two papers. (Paper II) This paper presents a catalog of 2678 galaxies within an area of nearly 40 deg^2^ centered on the Fornax Cluster at {alpha}=3h35m and {delta}=-35.7deg. The data have been obtained from visual inspection of 26 deep large-scale (10.9arcsec/mm) plates taken with the du Pont 2.5m reflector at the Las Campanas Observatory, and from digital photometry of an ESO/SRC blue survey plate covering roughly the same area of the sky. The catalog is essentially diameter limited, with a limiting diameter of 17arcsec at an isophoto of B_T_ =26.5. Within this survey region, the catalog includes 340 likely cluster members and 2338 likely background galaxies. For cluster members, this listing should be complete to B_T_=18 (corresponding to M_BT_=13.0, assuming a distance modulus of m-M=31.9) and contains likely members down to B_T_=20. Cluster membership is for the most part based on galaxy morphology. By virtue of their low surface brightness, dwarf galaxies in the cluster can be distinguished with a high degree of certainty from background galaxies. Radial velocities are included for 89 galaxies in the survey, providing a reliable indicator of membership in these cases. As additional support for our rejection of background galaxies, we model the spatial distribution of various types of galaxies as the sum of a King model cluster component superimposed on a uniform background. Using maximum-likelyhood fits to these spatial distributions, we find a core radius of 0.7deg. for a King model fit to the cluster, and show that there are few, if any, cluster members contained in the sample of background galaxiesBD (Paper III) Five nearby groups of galaxies have been surveyed using large-scale plates from the 2.5 m duPont Telescope at Las Campanas Observatory. Catalogs of galaxies brighter than B_T_ ~ 20 are presented for the Leo, Dorado, NGC 1400, NGC 5044, and Antlia groups. A total of 1044 galaxies are included, from visual inspection of 14 plates, covering 31deg square. Galaxies have been classified in the extended Hubble system, and group memberships have been assigned based on velocity (where available) and morphology. About half the galaxies listed are likely members of one of the nearby groups. The catalogs are complete to B_T_ ~ 18, although the completeness limits vary slightly from group to group. Based on King model fits to the surface density profiles, the core radii of the groups range from 0.3 to 1 Mpc, and central densities range from 120 to 1900 galaxies Mpc^-3^ brighter than M_BT_ = -12.5. Dynamical analysis indicates that all of the groups of likely to be gravitationally bound.