This catalogue was created based on the original published catalogue by Barnard E.E., 1927, Carnegie Institution of Washington, "A photographic Atlas of selected regions of the Milky Way". The catalogue contains positions of 349 Barnard Objects. The objects with numbers from 1 to 175 are classified in the first Barnard catalogue (1919ApJ....49....1B); three of the objects in that list have been omitted here (Nos 52, 131a, and 172) because these objects had been listed twice. The objects from Barnard's second list are numbered from 201 to 370 -- there are therefore no objects having the numbers from 176 to 200. Their positions were determined by Miss Calvert. The epoch for all positions in the original published catalogue was 1875.0. Positions for both 1875.0 and 2000.0, the diameters and the notes are included in this machine-readable catalogue.