The PSCz survey consists of redshifts, infra-red and optical photometry, and assorted other information for 18351 IRAS sources, mostly selected from the Point Source Catalog. The survey was designed to select almost all galaxies with flux brighter than 0.595Jy at 60 microns, over the 84% of the sky with extinction small enough that reliable and complete optical identification and spectroscopy was possible. Some of the sources are not galaxies and some are multiple entries for the same galaxy as described below. There are in total 15411 galaxies or possible galaxies, for which redshifts are available for 14677. The galaxies without redshift are mostly distant or at low latitude, as described below. Many of these galaxies have now been observed as part of the BTP project (Saunders et al 1999, astro-ph/9909174 "The Behind the Plane Survey"), and their redshifts will be included in future revisions of the catalogue. The main catalogue is "pscz.dat". There is also a short version of the catalogue, "psczvs.dat", containing sufficient information for most studies. They correspond to the version 2.2.