This catalogue is an update of the previous versions. The recent publication of the first release of the 2dF quasar survey (Croom et al., 2001MNRAS.322L..29C, see Cat. <VII/223>) containing nearly 10,000 new QSOs, almost doubled the number of known such objects: there are now 23760 (+10546) quasars (defined as brighter than absolute B magnitude -23), 5751 (+1323) AGNs (defined as fainter than absolute B magnitude -23) of which 2765 are Seyfert 1, and 608 (+146) BL Lac objects from 2173 (+119) references. Like the ninth edition, it includes position and redshift as well as photometry (U, B, V) and 6 and 11 cm flux densities when available. The present edition this catalogue contains the quasars with measured redshift known prior to May 1st, 2001.