The catalog contains statistically homogeneous and physically well graunded groups of galaxies based on the CfA2 redshift survey (Cat. J/ApJS/121/287) in the area of space 1000km/s<=cz<=15000km/s, |bII|>=20{deg}. For identification of groups we used a modification of a friends of friends (FoF) method. Principles of friendship and definition of values of presented there free parameters described in Mahtessian (1988Afz....28..255M, 1997Ap.....40..285M). There are 1971 groups with 2 or more members, for a total of 6787 members (46.3%); 765 of the groups have 3 or more members with 4375 galaxies (28.1%). The others 8790 (56.4%) galaxies make a sample of "single" galaxies. The catalog includes group numbers, numbers of members, equatorial coordinates, Virgo-centric radial velocities, line-of-sight-velocity dispersions, integrated group luminosities, and relative quantity of false members.