Markarian galaxies have a moderate to strong ultraviolet continuum as detected by an objective-prism survey at Byurakan Observatory from 1965 to 1978. The survey was done with a 40-inch Schmidt telescope with a dispersion of 2500 angstroms/millimeter at H-alpha. The catalog contains no galaxies brighter than mag 13.0 or fainter than mag 17.5. The catalog fields are Markarian Identification number; S(eyfert) or Q(uasar) flag; cross identifications to other catalogs; B1950 positions; major and minor axis (arcsec); magnitude and spectral types, including a code for the strength of the UV continuum. This catalogue is superseded by the First Byurakan Survey (see the "See Also" section below) The original documentation was by Robert S. Hill and Lee E. Brotzman in the "adc.doc" file (From the CD-ROM "Selected Astronomical Catalogs" Vol. 1 (1992), directory "nonstell/galaxies/mkn")