This survey consists of H I 21-cm spectra covering galactic latitudes from -10 degrees to +10 degrees and galactic longitudes from 10degrees to 250degrees. The observations were made with the Hat Creek 85-foot telescope between 1968 and 1970. The individual spectra contain 238 points per profile spaced every 5kHz and cover a velocity range of 250km/s. The velocity resolution is 2km/s (half-power of each filter) and the half-power beamwidth is 35arcmin. The spacing between points observed on the sky are 0.25degrees in galactic latitude and 0.5degrees in galactic longitude. Each spectrum or record consists of a header followed by 238 antenna temperatures. The header contains the galactic longitude, galactic latitude, and central velocity (LSR). The catalog contains a total of 38961 spectra.