This catalogue contains the first section of a sky survey performed at 408MHz with the 'Northern Cross' Radiotelescope. It contains about 13.000 radiosources. Although sources down to about 70mJy were measured, only sources brighter than 0.10Jy are retained in the catalogue. According to our estimate of confusion errors, this corresponds to a detection threshold of about 5{sigma}. The list is meant to include all the sources with a measured flux S>0.10Jy, in the sky area included between the declinations +37{deg}15' and +47{deg}37', epoch 1978.0. A number of zones however are affected by interferences, malfunctions, etc. The principal one is centered about the radiosource Cyg A, which is itself in the map, but not in the catalogue. The zone between RA 19h30m to 20h30m is entirely lacking, due to strong confusion. In the zone from 19h00m to 19h30m and from 20h30m to 21h00m, only sources brighter than 0.75Jy are listed, and to this level the catalogue is espected to be complete. For detailed discussion of the completeness of the catalogue see the original publication cited above.