This survey consists of CO(J=1-0) (115 GHz) spectra for the entire Galactic plane. The latitude coverage varies with longitude and in some regions extends from -25 degrees to +25 degrees. The observations were made with the Columbia/GISS 1.2m telescope in New York City, and a twin telescope on Cerro Tololo in Chile. The angular resolution of the survey is 30' (square), the velocity resolution is 1.3km/s and the sensitivity ranges from about 0.1K/chan to 0.35K/chan. The survey is presented as 720 latitude-velocity maps in FITS format, one for each 30' of longitude from -180.0 deg to +179.5 deg, and one velocity-integrated map covering the entire plane. The velocity range of each file is -300 km/s to +300 km/s. The survey has been updated to include some additional data, more careful reprojections of the regions that were originally mapped in equatorial coordinates, and improved estimates of the absolute calibration of the CO intensities (Digel and Dame 1995, unpublished).