This catalog presents the parts I, II, and III of the Green Bank survey of extragalactic radio sources at 1400 MHz. The data were obtained with the 300' antenna, producing a beamwidth of 10'x11' FWHM. Part I of the survey covers about 521 square degrees of the sky with RA from 7h17m to 16h23m, DEC from +45.8{deg} to +51.7{deg}. 1086 sources are presented down to a limiting flux density of 90 mJy. These data were originally published in Maslowski, 1972, Acta Astronomica, 22, 227 (1972AcA....22..227M). Part II of the survey covers 0.28 sr of the sky with RA from 7h08m to 16h57m, DEC from +31.9{deg} to +39.7{deg}. 2022 sources are presented down to a limiting flux density of 0.09 mJy. Spectral indices between 1400 MHz and 408 MHz are determined for most sources by comparison with the B2 source catalog (Cat.<VIII/36>). These data were originally published in Machalski 1978, Acta Astronomica, 28, 367 (1978AcA....28..367M) Part III of the survey covers an area of 0.099 sr at declinations between 70 and 76.8 degrees. This catalog contains a total of 676 radio sources, of which 502 are statistically complete to 112 mJy. These data were originally published as Rys and Machalski, 1987, Acta Astronomica, 37, 163 (1987AcA....37..163R).