This table is a compilation of revised 4.75 GHz and 2.695 GHz flux densities and corresponding spectral indices at epoch 1986.2 of a catalog of 239 sources, which has previously been published by Forkert and Altschuler, (1987A&AS...70...77F). It comprises 209 sources (marked 'A'), forming a complete, flux density limited sample above 50 mJy at 4.76 GHz in 1981.9 (Altschuler, 1986A&AS...65..267A), and 30 sources (marked 'a') below this limit, but with 5.0 GHz flux densities from 1971.0 (Davis, 1971AJ.....76..980D). The catalogue covers a narrow strip of the sky around declination of 33 degrees. The flux densities were calibrated with 3C286 on the scale of Kellermann, Pauliny-Toth and Williams (1969ApJ...157....1K). After publication of the catalog a statistical analysis for flux density variability in the data has been performed (Forkert, 1990), using 6cm flux density measurements of Davis (1971AJ.....76..980D) and Altschuler (1986A&AS...65..267A) and the 2.695 GHz flux densities of Pauliny-Toth et al. (1974A&A....35..421P), the details and results of which are going to be published elsewhere (Altschuler & Forkert, in preparation). For the purposes of this analysis it has become necessary to obtain more individual error estimates of the 1986.2 data, not dominated by the effect of overall scale errors. This revision for some of the sources also led to slightly different flux densities from those previously published. The variability study proved the flux density errors to represent the individual 1-sigma uncertainties, WITHOUT the effect of overall scale errors. From the aforementioned comparison with other measurements scale errors of ~1% at 2.695 GHz and ~3% at 4.75 GHz seem likely.