The MGPS-2 (second epoch Molonglo Galactic Plane Survey) was carried out with the Molonglo Observatory Synthesis Telescope at a frequency of 843MHz and with a restoring beam of 45"x45"csd|{delta}|, making it he highest resolution large scale radio survey of the southern Galactic plane. It covers the range |b|<10{deg} and 245<l<365{deg}; it is the Galactic counterpart to the SUMSS (Cat. VIII/81) which covers the southern sky ({delta}<-30{deg}, |b|>10{deg}). This catalogue (15-Aug-2007) consists of 48850 compact sources, made by fitting elliptical gaussians in the MGPS-2 mosaics to a limiting peak brightness of 10mJy/beam. We used a custom method (described in the associated publication) to remove extended sources from the catalogue. Positions in the catalogue are accurate to 1-2". See for access to the mosaic images.