The Kepler Target Search interface provides access to a 12.5 million row table created by MAST by joining entries from the Kepler Input catalog (KIC) with the Kepler Characteristics table (CT) and merging these with "associated" entries from the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (IRT) project, the USNOb catalog, GALEX, the Kepler Isaac Newton Telescope Survey (KIS), and the Everett KPNO (UBV) survey. The search interface allows users to find targets within the Kepler field of view (FOV) and allows searches on magnitudes, colors, and other parameters for both KIC and associated non-KIC targets.
This is the recommended interface for potential guest observers to locate possible targets for observation. GO proposers however should check on the target's position by either (or both) looking to one of our posted FFI images and seeing if it is on a chip, and (2) confirming this with the GO office.