Specialized Resource (Document): The Pleiades open cluster
Within this use case you recognize a physical association of stars close in space as opposed to a superpositon created by projection effects of stars very far one from the others. The key measure is distance derived from parallax. With the true members of the association (open cluster) you create a Herzsprung-Russell diagram as in the tutorial “the stars” (ivo://edu.gavo.org/eurovo/aida_stars). The Herzsprung-Russell diagram of stellar clusters is very important because of the low noise of few unrelated stars. If used in the classroom this advanced use case requires a reasonable understanding of histograms and bidimensional scatter diagrams. It is also rather long to perform from beginning to end.
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This resource was registered on: 2018 Aug 21 09:23:00ZThis resource description was last updated on: 2024 Dec 27 08:31:04Z
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Developed with the support of the National Science Foundation under Cooperative Agreement AST0122449 with the Johns Hopkins University The NAVO project is a member of the International Virtual Observatory Alliance
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