The catalog gives the measurements of the optical lines equivalent widths and statistical errors for a sample of ~4400 objects detected in 48 WINGS clusters for which the spectrum is available and reliable. Emission lines have negative EWs, and absorption lines positive EWs, with all the quantities given at rest frame. Spectra were obtained with WYFFOS@WHT and 2dF@AAT and have a resolution of 6 and 9 AA FWHM, respectively. The wavelength coverage ranges from ∼ 3590 to ∼ 6800 AA for the WHT observations, while spectra taken at the AAT cover the ∼ 3600 to ∼ 8000 AA domain. For each object the catalog gives also the magnitude and radial completeness (or weight) that, once combined, describe the global completeness of the sample. Finally a spectral classification is available, made on the basis of the presence/absence and intensity of spectral lines (following Poggianti et al., 1999): 1=e(a); 2=e(b); 3=e(c); 4=k; 5=k+a; 6=a+k.