FLITECAM was an infrared camera operating in the 1.0 - 5.5 um waveband. It consisted of a 1024x1024 InSb detector with 0.475"x0.475" pixels and used refractive optics to provide an 8' diameter field of view. The instrument had a set of filters for imaging, and grisms for moderate resolution spectroscopy. The filter suite consisted of standard Barr filters used for imaging at J, H, K, L and M in one filter wheel. A second filter wheel held a selection of narrow-band imaging filters including Pa-alpha, Pa-alpha continuum, 3.07 um H2O ice, 3.3 um PAH, L-narrow and M-narrow. Additionally there were order sorting filters for use with the grisms. A selection of three grisms was available to provide medium resolution (R ~ 1500) spectra over the entire wavelength range.