The WISE 3-Band Cryo Single Exposure (L1b) Source Table contains positions and photometry in the 3.4, 4.6 and 12 μm bands for 3,703,319,374 sources extracted from observations made during the WISE 3-Band Cryo survey phase, 6 August 2010 through 29 September 2010. WISE scanned approximately 30% of the sky during this period when the telescope and focal planes operated at a slightly higher temperature, but were still cooled by solid hydrogen in the inner cryogen tank.
The Known Solar System Object Possible Associations List is a compendium of asteroids and comets, with orbits known at the time of WISE second-pass data processing, that were predicted to be within the field-of-view at the time of individual WISE exposures. Individual objects were observed multiple times, so may have multiple entries in the list. When the predicted position of a solar system object is in proximity to a detection in the WISE single-exposures, the WISE source position and brightness information are also provided.