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Resource Record Summary

Image Service:
NEOWISE-R L1b Images

http://wise2.ipac.caltech.edu/docs/release/neowise/expsup/neowise_logo_sm.png[Logo URL]
Short name: NEOWISE-R L1b
IVOA Identifier: ivo://irsa.ipac/WISE/Images/NEOWISE-R/L1bPublisher: NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archiveivo://irsa.ipac/IRSA[Pub. ID]
More Info: http://wise2.ipac.caltech.edu/docs/release/neowise/expsup/
VO Compliance: Level 2: This is a VO-compliant resource.
Status: active
Registered: 2015 Mar 26 02:04:00Z


The Near-Earth Object Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer Reactivation Mission (NEOWISE; Mainzer et al. 2014, ApJ, 792, 30) is a NASA Planetary Science Division space-based survey to detect, track and characterize asteroids and comets, and to learn more about the population of near-Earth objects that could pose an impact hazard to the Earth. NEOWISE systematically images the sky at 3.4 and 4.6 μm, obtaining multiple independent observations on each location that enable detection of previously known and new solar system small bodies by virtue of the their motion. Because it is an infrared survey, NEOWISE detects asteroid thermal emission and is equally sensitive to high and low albedo objects. The NEOWISE 2015 Data Release is the first annual release of Single-exposure data, and contains all observations from the first year of survey operations, 13 December 2013 to 13 December 2014 UTC. NEOWISE scanned the sky nearly two complete times during this period, accumulating 24 or more independent exposures on each point on the sky. The 2015 NEOWISE Release data products include single-exposure Images - 2,497,867 calibrated 1016x1016 pix @2.75"/pix FITS image sets for the individual 7.7 sec W1 and W2 NEOWISE survey exposures. Each image set consists of two intensity images, noise maps, and bit-masks indicating pixel use status, one each for the W1 and W2 bands.

More About this Resource

About the Resource Providers

This section describes who is responsible for this resource

Publisher: NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archiveivo://irsa.ipac/IRSA[Pub. ID]

Creator: NEOWISE-R team Contributor: IPAC, JPL/Caltech

Contact Information:
X IRSA Support Team
Email: irsasupport at ipac.caltech.edu

Status of This Resource

This section provides some status information: the resource version, availability, and relevant dates.

Version: n/a
Availability: This is an active resource.
  • This service apparently provides only public data
Relevant dates for this Resource:
  • Creation: 2015 Mar 26

This resource was registered on: 2015 Mar 26 02:04:00Z
This resource description was last updated on: 2017 Mar 16 01:00:00Z

What This Resource is About

This section describes what the resource is, what it contains, and how it might be relevant.

Resource Class: CatalogService
This resource is a service that provides access to data (specifically, images). With this type of service, you can search for data by issuing a query, and information about available data is returned as a table.
Resource type keywords:
  • Survey
Subject keywords:
  • sky survey
Intended audience or use:
  • Research: This resource provides information appropriate for supporting scientific research.
More Info: http://wise2.ipac.caltech.edu/docs/release/neowise/expsup/

Data Coverage Information

This section describes the data's coverage over the sky, frequency, and time.

Wavebands covered:

  • Infrared

Available Service Interfaces

Simple Image AccessXX

This is a standard IVOA service used to search for images from this resource that overlap with a specified region of the sky.

VO Compliance: Level 2: This is a VO-compliant resource.
Available endpoints for the standard interface:
  • https://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/ibe/sia/wise/neowiser/p1bm_frm?X(version compatible)
Image service type: Atlas: pre-computed survey images will be returned.
Maximum query region accepted: longitude: 1.0 degrees; latitude: 1.0 degrees
Maximum region size returned: longitude: 0.776 degrees; latitude: 0.776 degrees
Maximum image size returned: 1016 X 1016 pixels
Maximum image size returned: 2 GB
Maximum number of matching records returned: 2147483647

Developed with the support of the National Science Foundation
under Cooperative Agreement AST0122449 with the Johns Hopkins University
The NAVO project is a member of the International Virtual Observatory Alliance

This NAVO Application is hosted by the Space Telescope Science Institute

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