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Resource Record Summary

VO Infrastructure (Standard):
Resource Metadata for the Virtual Observatory

Short name: none specified
IVOA Identifier: ivo://ivoa.net/std/RMPublisher: IVOA
More Info: http://www.ivoa.net/documents/latest/RM.html
VO Compliance: Level 2: This is a VO-compliant resource.
Status: active
Registered: 2016 Oct 21 09:40:00Z


An essential capability of the Virtual Observatory is a means for describing what data and computational facilities are available where, and once identified, how to use them. The data themselves have associated metadata (e.g., FITS keywords), and similarly we require metadata about data collections and data services so that VO users can easily find information of interest. Furthermore, such metadata are needed in order to manage distributed queries efficiently; if a user is interested in finding x-ray images there is no point in querying the HST archive, for example. In this document we suggest an architecture for resource and service metadata and describe the relationship of this architecture to emerging Web Services standards. We also define an initial set of metadata concepts.

More About this Resource

About the Resource Providers

This section describes who is responsible for this resource

Publisher: IVOA

Creator: Hanisch, R.

Contact Information:
X IVOA Registry Working Group
Email: registry at ivoa.net

Status of This Resource

This section provides some status information: the resource version, availability, and relevant dates.

Version: 1.12
Availability: This is an active resource.
Relevant dates for this Resource:
  • Update: 2007 Mar 02

This resource was registered on: 2016 Oct 21 09:40:00Z
This resource description was last updated on: 2016 Oct 21 09:40:00Z

What This Resource is About

This section describes what the resource is, what it contains, and how it might be relevant.

Resource Class: Standard
This resource represents an IVOA standard specification. This specification can be found at http://www.ivoa.net/documents/latest/RM.html.
Resource type keywords:
  • Other
Subject keywords:
  • Virtual observatory
Intended audience or use:
  • Research: This resource provides information appropriate for supporting scientific research.
More Info: http://www.ivoa.net/documents/latest/RM.html

Developed with the support of the National Science Foundation
under Cooperative Agreement AST0122449 with the Johns Hopkins University
The NAVO project is a member of the International Virtual Observatory Alliance

This NAVO Application is hosted by the Space Telescope Science Institute

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