Akari is Japan's first dedicated infrared astronomical satellite (and the
second infrared space mission following IRTS) launched on February 22, 2006.
Akari's primary mission is to carry out the all-sky survey with the best
sensitivity, spatial resolution and the widest wavelengths. The AKARI/FIS Bright
Source Catalogue Version 1.0 provides the positions and fluxes of 427,071 point
sources in the four far-infrared wavelengths centred at 65, 90, 140, and 160 um.
The sensitivity in the 90 um band is about 0.55 Jy. The AKARI/IRC Point Source
Catalogue Version 1.0 provides positions and fluxes of 870,973 sources (844,649
sources in 9um band and 194,551 sources in 18um band) in the Mid-Infrared