The Atlas of Radio/X-Ray Associations (ARXA) is a compendium of all cataloged or APM/USNO-A optical objects which are found to be associated with XMM-Newton, Chandra, RASS, HRI, PSPC or WGACAT X-ray detections, or with NVSS, FIRST or SUMSS radio detections. All detections are listed, plus double radio lobes where found. The source number counts are: <pre> Optical objects - 602,570. NVSS - 266,148 core associations, plus 8309 double lobes. FIRST - 173,383 core associations, plus 12,844 double lobes. SUMSS - 59,138 core associations, plus 2529 double lobes. XMM associations - 57,778. Chandra associations - 32,951. ROSAT RASS - 47,486. ROSAT HRI - 15,523. ROSAT PSPC - 35,607. WGA - 24,226. </pre> Each optical object is given as one entry in this catalog, containing the sky coordinates, the object name (from the literature where available), APM and USNO-A sourced red and blue photometry, redshift, the source catalogs for the name and redshift, the calculated odds that the object is a quasar, galaxy, star, or erroneous association, and the radio & X-ray identifiers, up to 10 of them possible although usually just 1 or 2. This catalog supersedes the previous similar compilation by the same author, the (QORG) Catalog, called QORGCAT in the HEASARC's Browse (see <a href=""></a>). Questions or comments on ARXA may be directed to See also: <pre> APM home page <a href=""></a> USNO-A home page <a href=""></a> NVSS home page <a href=""></a> FIRST home page <a href=""></a> SUMSS home page <a href=""></a> XMM-Newton home page <a href=""></a> HRI & PSPC home page <a href=""></a> WGA home page <a href=""></a> RASS-FSC home page <a href=""></a> RASS-BSC home page <a href=""></a> Chandra home page <a href=""></a> XAssist home page <a href=""></a> (XMMX & CXOX sources are from XAssist) </pre> If using this catalog in published research, please add a small mention in the acknowledgements. This table is based on research which made use of the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED) operated by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under contract with NASA. This online catalog was created by the HEASARC in January 2010 based on a machine-readable table obtained from the author's ARXA web site at <a href=""></a>. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .