The BSC5P database table contains data derived from the Bright Star Catalog, 5th Edition, preliminary, which is widely used as a source of basic astronomical and astrophysical data for stars brighter than magnitude 6.5. The database contains the identifications of included stars in several other widely-used catalogs, double- and multiple-star identifications, indication of variability and variable-star identifiers, equatorial positions for B1900.0 and J2000.0, galactic coordinates, UBVRI photoelectric photometric data when they exist, spectral types on the Morgan-Keenan (MK) classification system, proper motions (J2000.0), parallax, radial- and rotational-velocity data, and multiple-star information (number of components, separation, and magnitude differences) for known non-single stars. This table was created by the HEASARC in 1995 based upon a file obtained from either the ADC or the CDS. A number of revisions have been made by the HEASARC to this original version, e.g., celestial positions were added for the 14 non-stellar objects which have received HR numbers: HR 92, 95, 182, 1057, 1841, 2472, 2496, 3515, 3671, 6309, 6515, 7189, 7539 and 8296. In January 2014, the very incorrect position for HR 3671 = NGC 2808 was fixed (the Declination is -65 degrees not +65 degrees!), and smaller corrections were made to the positions of HR 2496, 3515 and 6515 so as to bring them in better agreement with the positions listed in SIMBAD and NED This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .