This catalog gathers the searches for galaxies of apparent size greater than 0.1 mm on film (6.7" in angular size) lieing behind the Milky Way from photographic surveys in the near-infrared. The four volumes (CGMW1, CGMW2, CGMW3, and CGMW4) cover the galactic longitude ranges from -7 to +43 degrees, and from 210 to 250 degrees. The two volumes, CGMW1 and CGMW2, giving about 7000 galaxies behind the Milky Way between l = 210 degrees and 250 degrees, represent a systematic search for galaxies by means of 32 film copies of the UK Schmidt Southern Infrared Atlas on the Milky Way covering about 900 square degrees. In the search galaxies with apparent sizes greater than 0.1mm on film (6.7 arcsec in size) were detected by visual inspection. The material and procedure of search are described as well as the detectability of galaxies in paper I and paper II appended before Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 of the catalog, respectively, which have been published in Publ. Astron. Soc Japan, Vol. 42 (1990) and Vol. 43 (1991). The parameters of catalogued galaxies are also explained in paper I. Cross-identifications with other catalogs are also given. The third volume CGMW3 lists about 5300 galaxy candidates having sizes larger than 0.1 arcminutes that were found in a search of Schmidt atlases covering a Milky Way region of about 800 square degrees around l = 8 to 43 degrees, and b = -17 to +17 degrees. This surveyed region is located between the northern Local void and the Ophiuchus void. The fourth volume CGMW4 lists about 7150 galaxies and galaxy candidates having sizes larger than 0.1 arcminutes that were found in a search of Schmidt atlases covering a Milky Way region of about 260 square degrees around l = -7 to +16 degrees, and b = -19 to -1 degrees, i.e., a field in Sagittarius in the Galactic Center region. This database was created by the HEASARC in October 1999 based on a machine-readable version that was obtained from the CDS Data Center. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .