The Serendipitous Extragalactic X-ray Source Identification (SEXSI) Program is designed to expand significantly the sample of identified extragalactic hard X-ray sources at intermediate fluxes, 10<sup>-15</sup> ergs/cm<sup>2</sup>/s < 2-10 keV Flux <~ 10<sup>-13</sup> ergs/cm<sup>2</sup>/s. SEXSI, which includes sources derived from more than 2 square degrees of Chandra images, provides the largest hard X-ray-selected sample yet studied, offering an essential complement to the Chandra Deep Fields (total area of 0.2 square degrees). In Eckart et al. (2005, Paper II) R-band optical imaging of the SEXSI fields from the Palomar P60 and P200, the MDM 2.4m and 1.3m, and the Keck I telescopes is described. The authors have identified counterparts or derived flux limits for nearly 1000 hard X-ray sources. Using the optical images, they have derived accurate source positions. They have investigated correlations between optical and X-ray flux, and optical flux and X-ray hardness ratio. They have also studied the density of optical sources surrounding X-ray counterparts, as well as the properties of optically faint, hard X-ray sources. In Eckart et al. (2006, Paper III) optical spectra of 477 counterparts are presented. These spectra reach to R-band magnitudes of <~24 and have produced identifications and redshifts for 438 hard X-ray sources. Typical completeness levels in the 27 Chandra fields studied are 40-70%. The vast majority of the 2-10 keV selected sample are AGNs with redshifts between 0.1 and 3; the highest redshift source lies at z = 4.33. This table which combines data presented in Eckart et al. (2005, 2006) has links to the list of SEXSI X-ray sources (the HEASARC Browse table CHANSEXSI: see Paper I = Harrison et al. 2003, ApJ, 596, 944). This table was originally created by the HEASARC in June 2005 based on the CDS version of Table 3 from Eckart et al. (2005: CDS table J/ApJS/156/35/table3.dat). It was updated in August 2006 to include information from Table 2 of Eckart et al. (2006: the electronic version available at the electronic ApJ web site). This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .