This database table contains the latest Chandra XAssist source list. XAssist is a NASA-funded project for the automation of X-ray astrophysics, with emphasis on galaxies. It is capable of data reprocessing, source detection, and preliminary spatial, temporal, and spectral analysis for all sources with sufficient counts. The bulk of the system is written in Python, which in turn drives underlying software, e.g., CIAO for Chandra data. Pipelines running on Chandra observations of galaxies have generated the source list which comprises this HEASARC table. The pipeline also includes fields requested by users for various projects, most notably observations of a sample of quasars and several deep field observations have been processed. Note that the pipline processing is completely automated; therefore, users should visually inspect the results of any queries. This table was first created by the HEASARC in May 2005 based on the Chandra source list available at the XAssist website. In September 2010, the HEASARC switched over to using the "pipeline4" Chandra source list. It is updated on a weekly basis when and if the XAssist source list file at <a href=""></a> is updated. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .