This table contains the improved point-source catalog for the 250-ks Extended Chandra Deep Field-South (E-CDF-S) Survey, implementing a number of recent improvements in Chandra source-cataloguing methodology. For the E-CDF-S, the main catalog (entries from which are indicated with parameter values of source_sample = "Main" in this HEASARC representation) contains 1003 X-ray sources detected with wavdetect at a false-positive probability threshold of 10<sup>-5</sup> that also satisfy a binomial-probability source-selection criterion of P < 0.002. Such an approach maximizes the number of reliable sources detected: a total of 275 main-catalog sources are new compared to the Lehmer et al. (2005, ApJS, 161, 21) E-CDF-S main catalog. The authors also provide an E-CDF-S supplementary catalog that consists of 56 sources (entries from which are indicated with parameter values of source_sample = "Supp" in this HEASARC representation) detected at the same wavdetect threshold and having P of 0.002-0.1 and K<sub>s</sub> <= 22.3 mag counterparts. For all 1059 E-CDF-S sources, including the 318 newly detected ones (these being generally fainter and more obscured), the authors determine X-ray source positions utilizing centroid and matched-filter techniques; they also provide multi-wavelength identifications, apparent magnitudes of counterparts, spectroscopic and/or photometric redshifts, basic source classifications, and estimates of observed active galactic nucleus and galaxy source densities around respective field centers. Simulations show that the E-CDF-S main catalog is highly reliable and reasonably complete. Background and sensitivity analyses indicate that the on-axis mean flux limits reached represent a factor of ~1.5-2.0 improvement over the previous E-CDF-S limit. The 250-ks E-CDF-S is composed of four distinct and contiguous ~ 250-ks Chandra pointings that flank the CDF-S proper, consisting of a total of nine separate observations taken between 2004 February 29 and November 20 (see Lehmer et al., 2005, ApJS, 161, 21 for more details). This table was created by the HEASARC in August 2016 based on <a href="">CDS Catalog J/ApJS/224/15</a> files table9.dat (the main source catalog) and table12.dat (the supplementary source catalog). This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .