The Energetic Gamma-Ray Experiment Telescope (EGRET), which operated from 1991-April until 2000-May, was sensitive to photons in the energy range from about 30 MeV to over 20 GeV, the highest energies accessible by the CGRO instruments, and, like COMPTEL, was an imaging instrument. This catalog includes photon lists in qvp files, with one file for each EGRET viewing period. Photons which pass an energy-dependent cut on zenith angle (to exclude earth-albedo gamma rays) are processed into maps of photon counts for a standard set of energy ranges. Exposure and intensity (counts divided by exposure) maps are generated for each counts map. The counts maps typically include photons detected up to 40 degrees from the instrument axis. Most analysis has been done using data within 30 degrees of the instrument axis, where the point-spread function is narrower and the effective area greater than further off axis. All EGRET data files in the archive are the final versions, produced after the end of the mission. More detailed information about EGRET, EGRET data, and EGRET data analysis software can be found at: <pre> <a href=""></a> </pre> The data contained in this database table was supplied by the CGRO Science Support Center. The contents this table was last updated in May 2001. Galactic coordinates were added to the table by the HEASARC in August 2005. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .