This table contains the results of an analysis of two deep (75 ks) Chandra observations of the European Large Area Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) Survey (ELAIS) fields N1 and N2 as the first results from the ELAIS deep X-ray survey. This survey is being conducted in well-studied regions with extensive multiwavelength coverage. This table contains the Chandra source catalogs along with an analysis of source counts and hardness ratios. A total of 233 X-ray point sources were detected in addition to two soft extended sources (not included in this table of point sources), which are found to be associated with galaxy clusters. An overdensity of sources is found in N1 with 30 per cent more sources than N2, which the authors attribute to large-scale structure. A similar variance is seen between other deep Chandra surveys. The source count statistics reveal an increasing fraction of hard sources at fainter fluxes. The number of galaxy-like counterparts also increases dramatically towards fainter fluxes, consistent with the emergence of a large population of obscured sources. The ELAIS Deep X-ray Survey (EDXS) is being conducted in the northern ELAIS regions N1 and N2. The Chandra data consist of approximately 75 ks exposures in each field. Region N1 was observed on 2000 August 3-4 (Obs_ID 888) and N2 on 2000 August 2-3 (Obs_ID 887). The nominal aimpoints were 16:10:20.11 +54:33:22.3 for N1, and 16:36:46.99 +41:01:33.7 for N2 in J2000.0 coordinates. The ACIS-I chips were used with the addition of the ACIS-S2 and ACIS-S4 chips. This table was created by the HEASARC in February 2007 based on the <a href="">CDS catalog J/MNRAS/343/293</a> files table1.dat and table2.dat. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .