The Second Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer (EUVE) Right Angle Program (RAP) Catalog contains information on the detection of 235 extreme ultraviolet (EUV) sources, of which 169 are new detections, using the EUVE's RAP data. This catalog included observations made since the first EUVE RAP catalog (1994 January) and covered 17% of the sky. The EUVE RAP used the all-sky survey telescopes (also known as "scanners"), which were mounted at right angles to the Deep Survey and Spectrometer instruments, to obtain photometric data in four wavelength bands centered at 100 Angstroms (Lexan/B), 200 A (Al/Ti/C), 400 A (Ti/Sb/Al or Dagwood), and 550 A (Sn/SiO). The EUVE RAP2 Catalog contains source count rates and probable source identifications from the available catalogs and literature. The source distribution is similar to previous EUV catalogs with 2% early-type stars, 45% late-type stars, 8% white dwarfs, 6% extragalactic objects, 24% with no firm classification, and 15% with no optical identification. This database was created at the HEASARC in May 2002 based on the ADC/<a href="">CDS Catalog J/AJ/117/2466</a> and is derived from Tables 2, 3, and 4 the published paper. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .