The low-frequency radio survey of the XMM-Large Scale Structure (XMM-LSS) field centered at RA (J2000) = 2<sup>h</sup>24<sup>m</sup>00<sup>s</sup>, Dec (J2000) = -4<sup>0</sup>09'47" aims to study the connection between the extragalactic radio source populations and their environment as traced by X-ray and optical emission. In their paper, the authors present new radio observations of the XMM-LSS field carried out using the Giant Meterwave Radio Telescope (GMRT) at 240 and 610 MHz. These observations complement the observations presented by Cohen at al. (2003, ApJ, 591, 640; <a href="">CDS Cat. <J/ApJ/591/640></a>) and Tasse et al. (2006, A&A, 456, 791; <a href="">CDS Cat. <J/A+A/456/791></a>) at 74 and 325 MHz with the Very Large Array (VLA). At 240 and 610 MHz, the authors reach noise levels of ~2.5 and ~0.3 mJy/beam, leading to the detection of 466 and 769 sources over 18.0 and 12.7 degree<sup>2</sup> with resolutions of 14.7 arcseconds and 6.5 arcseconds, respectively. Combining these data with the available source lists at 74 MHz, 325 MHz (Tasse et al., 2006) and 1400MHz (NVSS), the authors built a multifrequency catalog containing 1611 radio sources. They checked for consistency of the astrometry and flux density estimates. They fit a simple synchrotron radiation model to the flux density measurements of the 318 radio sources that were detected in at least 4 bands. While ~26% of them showed signature of spectral ageing, ~6% showed self absorption. This table contains the GMRT 240-MHz source list, comprising 388 single sources and 183 components of multiple sources, for a total of 571 entries. For the multiple sources, each component (A, B, etc.) is listed separately, in order of decreasing brightness. This table was created by the HEASARC in February 2012 based on CS Catalog J/A+A/471/1105 file table3.dat. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .